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leave out in the cold中文是什么意思

用"leave out in the cold"造句"leave out in the cold"怎么读"leave out in the cold" in a sentence


  • 城北过去很冷落现在成了文化区


  • I was left out in the cold .
  • After the baby came, the young husband felt left out in the cold .
  • She was left out in the cold after she betrayed her husband
  • Being aggressive may be the way you want to do things when it comes to love but taking this approach will backfire causing you to be left out in the cold and probably all alone
  • " jinzan snow liman " refers to the jinzan xue baochai figure in general , buried in snow , it is not , xue baochai necessarily imply that the situation was left out in the cold miser
    "金簪雪里埋" ,是指薛宝钗如图里的金簪一般,被埋在雪里,也是不得其所,暗示薛宝钗必然遭到冷落孤寒的境遇。
  • The preacher preached a wonderful rhythmical sermon , all moans and shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hell , and then he sang a song about the ninety and nine safe in the fold , but one little lamb was left out in the cold
  • Then , as only one rebel group signed up , the other two main ones were left out in the cold and have since splintered into ever - smaller factions determined to improve their positions at any future talks through military gains in battle
    接着,由于只有一个叛军组织在协议上签了字,而其他两个主要叛军组织也就因此遭到排斥,并从此分裂为规模更小的党羽? ?他们决心要通过在战争中的获利而能让自己在以后任何的谈判中提升其地位。
用"leave out in the cold"造句  
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